News and
Archive : 2009 |

Saturday, January 31, 2009
The big news is we've set the date for this year's Catsup Bottle Festival
Birthday Party & Car Show Bash! It will be Sunday, July 12,
2009. Save the date!
We have again partnered with American Legion Post 365, and
many of our sponsors and entertainment will be returning. It's a
guaranteed good time! See you then!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Steffen and her crew from the PBS station, WILL-TV,
in Champaign-Urbana, Illinois, paid us a visit way back on August 15,
2007. Shooting her documentary was a lot of fun, although it was
really, really HOT!
The best part of the day was that it gave
us the chance to see Rod Reinneck again. Rod and his team from Diversified
Coatings in O'Fallon, Illinois, restored and repainted the Catsup
Bottle back in 1995. Click here
for a photo gallery of the 2007
We finally saw the video!
The video
appeared on WILL-TV's Prairie Fire program, episode
#708 from Thursday, April 24, 2008. Everyone did a great job! We
hadn't seen it yet until this week. The 5 minute documentary, with lots
of interviews, video footage, and archival photos, is posted on the WILL-TV
website. It's must see TeeVee, as far as we're concerned! Take
right here. |
Friday, May 1, 2009
Check it out! The World's Largest Catsup Bottle is
included in the Roadside
gallery on CNN.com! We received all call
from a CNN producer a couple weeks ago, and we provided them with a few
pix and all the background information they could handle. Too bad we
only got a brief mention in the story itself, but being in the photo
gallery is pretty sweet. Keep pourin' it on!!! |
May 19, 2009
You just never know what you'll see parked at the Catsup
Bottle. This afternoon we had some unexpected excitement as a bunch of specially
painted RV tour buses appeared out of nowhere! Each with a different
family, each with a film crew, and each followed by an auxiliary van of
cameras and producers! It was quite a scene!
As it turns out, the filming was for a new reality TV show
called "The Great American Road Trip."
We're not at liberty to say much more here, but we can tell you the
show is set to premier Tuesday, July
7th at 8:00/7:00 central.
For a few more details, check out NBC's web site by clicking here!
According to NBC's web site: "...the
trip across America. Seven families take the journey of a
lifetime. Over eight episodes, the families travel classic Route 66
through cities large and small, all while competing in a medley of
humorous games that will ultimately lead one family to victory.
Although family fun is the centerpiece of the show, the competition is
real. Only one family will return home with the grand prize." |
May 22, 2009
We received an email today from a Casting Producer for the
ABC Television's
primetime reality show, "Wife Swap."
Currently they are attempting to cast a show that features families
that own, run, or work at a roadside attraction. It sounded like a lot
of fun!
After giving it some thought, we realized that we didn't
quite meet some of the requirements in order to be on the program. So,
we respectfully declined to move on through the casting process.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Today we received a phone call from Eric Model, a producer
for the Sirius-XM satellite
radio program, "Left Jab,"
with the host David Goodfriend and Mark Walsh. We love the tag line: "Beer, Gear, and Politics." Hope we
don't regret this... ...
Eric specializes in
obsure, offbeat, and hidden Americana,
and is setting up a live interview with us tentatively scheduled for
the evening of July 12, immediately following the festival. We're also
working on scheduling a podcast for earlier in the week on the program
"Conversations on the Road."
Check out Eric's Hidden America website right here.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Work begins TODAY
to repaint the Catsup Bottle!!!
It's been 14 years since the previous paint job. We have been working
behind the scenes for a while and late last week all the pieces came
Unlike the previous restoration, this time there is no
need for a massive volunteer fund-raising effort. Thanks to the
generousity of Bethel-Eckert
Enterprises, owner of the catsup bottle, this project is under
way! We can't thank them enough!
here, or the photo to the left, to read the full media release.
As a reminder, be sure to check back over the next few
weeks as we post photos and status reports to keep everyone informed of
the progress.
July 1, 2009
We spent the morning hanging out at the Catsup Bottle with
Heidi Glaus, and her videographer Larry Johnson, from Today In St. Louis. Heidi
Judy DeMoisy, the Catsup Bottle Lady, and Rod Reinneck, the painter.
Look for it to air next week on KSDK
Newschannel 5!
Also today, the St.
Louis Post-Dispatch ran a
and a great photo with Rod hard at work at the top of
the bottle. Plus, photographer Christian Gooden did a little
videography as well. Look for it right
Well then, the next thing we know, the story is picked up
by the Associated Press and by
the afternoon it's out on the wire all over the country. Fantastic.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
KPLR Channel 11 ran a really
minute segment
about the paint job and Rod did a spectacular job during his interview!
Rod's a natural on camera! We should have had him as our spokesperson
years ago!
July 2, 2009
We wake up to see a photo and story
in the Belleville News-Democrat
about the painting project and the upcoming festival.
Then later in the morning we get a call from our pal Wally
Spiers who is writing another piece for the weekend tab section of the BND. Keep a look out for that real
But wait, there's even more to be excited
about! We
had a really fun interview with host Jay Thomas on the Jay
Thomas Show on Sirius XM
satellite radio. We talked about the bottle and really plugged the
festival coming. Excellent! |
July 7, 2009
It's a really busy day here at Catsup Bottle Central
Command HQ. We're wrapping up a whole bunch of last minute festival
details. (Check in at catsupbottlefestival.com
for all the latest.)
Along with that, we have an Internet podcast scheduled at
1:00 for Eric Model's "Conversations On The
Road" blog. That should be cool.
And then tonight at 8:00/7:00 central time, the new
reality TV show "Great American Road Trip"
premiers on NBC (also Channel
5 in St. Louis). The previews look pretty funy! The crew stopped by and
shot some footage with the families at the Catsup Bottle back in May.
We're not sure, but we should be included in this episode. Let's hope
so!! Tune in to see what happens!
July 7, 2009
The podcast interview with Eric Model for Conversations On The Road
went really well. That's good because otherwise we ended up on the
cutting room floor and didn't appear on
the Great American Road Trip
show on NBC. Wrigley Field,
Springfield, and the Gateway Arch all looked great. We're just
disappointed we didn't make it. Oh well, it happens to the best of us!
Plan on tuning in tomorrow morning for Heidi Glaus's story
during Today In St. Louis on KSDK Newschannel 5. Wait until you see what cameraman
Larry Johnson did! We hope he didn't get in
Also, be sure to watch the KPLR Channel
11 Noon News on Friday, July 10, as
we're scheduled to be on, live in the studio at 12:30.
July 8, 2009
This video is awesome!! We
had a lot of fun with Heidi Glaus
and videographer Larry
Johnson from KSDK's Today In
St. Louis back on July 1st. Our
best buddy Rod Reinneck was
interviewed and Judy was, too,
as you will see. Yours truly, the Big
Tomato, took a bunch of
photos and Heidi included some at the end of the piece. (Here's a teaser: wait till you see
Larry's feet dangling off the top of the Catsup Bottle!) Check
it out. |
July 9, 2009
Here is the photo gallery from the
morning we spent with Heidi Glaus and Larry Johnson from KSDK's Today
In St. Louis. |
July 10, 2009
A good time was had at KPLR Channel
11 Noon News with yours truly, the Big Tomato. They should have given
me more time... or, even better, give me my own show! This was a blast! |
11th annual World's Largest Catsup Bottle Festival Birthday Party and
Car Show Bash was held on Sunday, July 12, 2009!
For all the details click over to www.catsupbottlefestival.com
and click the 2009 archive link!
You gotta love it:
Custom & classic car, truck & motorcycle show, hot dogs
(smothered in ketchup) eating contest, ketchup tasting, Princess Tomato
& Sir Catsup, hula hoop competition, appearances by Ronald McDonald
& St. Louis Rams Cheerleaders, water balloons (filled with
ketchup...?) toss, birthday cake, food, fun, games, and live music from
the Quarter Draw Band. |
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Thanks very much to WRAL of Raleigh-Durham, North
Carolina, and its GoLo Blog.
They gave the Catsup Bottle a nice little write up.
"Go Local. Talk Local.
Share Local."
Thursday, December 31, 2009
2009 was a big year for the World's Largest Catsup Bottle.
Its 60th
birthday was celebrated at the annual festival held in July. The
attendance was fantastic! Click here to check out the photo gallery.
Also in 2009, the Catsup Bottle was cleaned up and
repainted. Many,
many thanks go out to Bethel-Eckert Enterprises and Reinneck Industrial
Coatings for getting the job done! Click
here to check out the photo
gallery. |